Romanov Manor

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Stirring Up A Little Magic

Welcome to Day 2 of 13 Simple and Sassy Spells ~


Today we are stirring up a little magic.


This is the EASIEST thing to do.


It is also a way to add a lot of magic to your day… and cup!


The action – add cinnamon to your cup of coffee.


It can be a sprinkle of powdered cinnamon, or it can be stirring your coffee with a cinnamon stick.


‘That just makes my coffee taste good. That’s not magic!’ – Actually, my skeptical friends, yes, it is!


The magical energies of Coffee closely mirror the chemical reasons we drink it… it speeds things up (faster results), and adds consistent and lengthened duration to the energy you put forth in your spell (in physical terms – stamina).


Cinnamon is for protection, love, money, passion (both sexual lust, as well as efforts involving  what you value and believe in/ your passions in life), and luck/good fortune.


While many people add these two ingredients together in their spell work, consuming them together, can be a spell unto itself.


While stirring in (or with) the cinnamon, in a clockwise direction, focus on and preferably also say your intention for these energies.


Ask for physical stamina….and/or acute focus and alertness during your day. Call forth bountiful incoming finances... and/or worthy love…


YES! These energies will be present and ‘do something’ even if you don’t think and speak them aloud; however in doing so, you enliven and direct them which brings better results. Think of it like speaking to someone who IS listening to you but are also scrolling on their phone at the same time, versus someone who is looking at you and giving you their undivided attention. Both can hear you and even respond, but which has the potential for the most accurate communication and exchange? The one where the listener has been brought into focus and conscious presence with you.


A simple moment of focus with two common everyday ingredients. A spell doesn’t get simpler than that!