Bewitching Blessings of Beltane
Beltane arrives as an explosion of joy, bright colors, revelry….and power.
This day is the exact polar opposite of Samhain, and yet it often feels more celebratory than ritualistic.
Light is often revered as superior to ‘dark’, and yet many are challenged by feeling the raw immense power of this day.
In late October, the retail aesthetic that surrounds us, enhances the mysterious edgy energy of the cold darkness of the season as autumn tapers down into winter. We feel that magic is afoot; we are enthused to seek it out in dark, cobweb laden corners, and caves of unknown practices, lore and myth.
In the radiant sunshine of April 30, we are engulfed in warmth, the flourishing of nature, abundance, and all that stretches ahead of us for as far as the eye can see. It all seems….visible, accessible. Wondrous but perhaps not mysteriously magical, or even potently powerful.
It is important to remember that this day of Beltane, the eve before the revelry of May Day, is as emmeshed with spirits, magic, and power, as its polar counterpart. The brilliance of the light at this time, illuminates and shows us beauty, growth, details that we need to acknowledge, to fix, to enhance, to be grateful for. Abundance and Bounty – in any form of blessing, needs both the dark time of hibernation to germinate, as well as the heat and light in which to grow and flourish.
The passion of Beltane may seem more blatant than the sensual dark seduction of the Samhain season, but it is just as bewitching.
Take today to, even metaphorically, step into the light and learn to appreciate another facet of magic and power.
Take to heart the reminder that you too, are just as powerful and magical, every day in every season, no matter how you may feel, or look at that given point in time.
In every season… you are magical… live accordingly!